How this store works

Browsing The Catalogue:

Our items are presented within five individual base categories; Coins & Paper Money, Special Edition Watches, Orders, Medals & Decorations, Other Special Treasures and Saddam's Autographs & Documents. Choose one of these categories from the SHOP NOW menu to see the items in that category.

Making a Purchase in three easy steps:

  1. Add items you would like to purchase to your shopping card by clicking the ADD TO CART buttons.  Once you have the items you want in your shopping cart click the CHECK OUT NOW button on any screen, or the CART icon in the top right of the main menu.
  2. There is no online payment step at this point, as we will need to determine the cost of your selected shipping, insurance and any other handling charges that may apply to your order, based on where it will be shipped to. 
  3. Finally, click on the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button and provide your personal contact and address information in the box that pops up. This information will be securely sent to us so we can begin to process your order and calculate your exact final costs. It will also be used to create your account with The Orient Treasures Online Store.
Once we have calculated the exact total cost of your order we will communicate it to you directly by email or phone, along with your payment options.

Once we receive your verified and cleared payment in full, your order will be shipped and we will communicate your package tracking information.  We are pleased to ship worldwide with these companies:

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