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Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Converted French Cilvil Jet to Military
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Converted French Cilvil Jet to Military
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Converted French Cilvil Jet to Military
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Converted French Cilvil Jet to Military
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Converted French Cilvil Jet to Military

Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Converted French Cilvil Jet to Military


1987 Autograph Handwritten Document by Saddam Hussein Converted French Cilvil Jet to Military

On April 22, 1987 Saddam Hussein wrote on Desk Memo in Red Ink:
Chief of Staff Comrade Hassan Al-Amri, Minister of Commerce, is dispatched to France to contract to buy civilian (Jet) type aircraft and mutate as an armed with specialists from the Air Force Command, Air Supply Division And informative Saddam Hussein's signature 22/4/1987
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes
Certificate #: RA60724 visit
Letter of Authentication: Yes
Shipping: worldwide with DHL

وثائق بخط يد الرئيس العراقي الراحل صدام حسين

جميع الوثائق معهم شهادات الاصالية و تم فحصهم في شركة امريكية متخصصة بتواقيع الرؤوساء و الملوك

رئيس الديوان

يوفد وزير التجارة الرفيق حسن العامري الى فرنسا للتعاقد على شراء طائرات نوع (جت) مدنية و تحور كمسلحة مع اختصاصين من قيادة القوة الجوية شعبة التجهيز الجوي

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توقيع صدام حسين


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