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Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers

Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Ordering the Restoration of the Right of Executed Officers


1984 Autograph Handwritten Document by Saddam Hussein / President of Iraq

On January 29, 1984 Saddam Hussein wrote on Desk Memo in Red:

Chief of the Presidential Court

Director of the Intelligence Service


Restore all the rights of the officers and associates who were sentenced to death and who were executed

Except for those affecting the security of the revolution, and write to the Retirement Directorate to pay their salaries retroactively

Saddam Hussein's signature


  • Certificate of Authenticity: Yes
  • Certificate #: RA60711 visit
  • Letter of Authentication: Yes
Shipping: worldwide with DHL

وثائق بخط يد الرئيس العراقي الراحل صدام حسين

جميع الوثائق معهم شهادات الاصالية و تم فحصهم في شركة امريكية متخصصة بتواقيع الرؤوساء و الملوك 

رئيس الديوان

مدير جهاز المخابرات


تعاد جميع حقوق الضباط و المنتسبين الذين حكم عليهم بالاعدام و نفذ بهم حكم الاعدام

عدا التي تمس أمن الثورة و يكتب الى مديرية التقاعد لصرف رواتبهم بأثر رجعي

توقيع صدام حسين
