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Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum
  • Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum

Autograph Handwritten Document Saddam Appointed Qassim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi Minister of Petroleum


1982 Autograph Handwritten Document by Saddam Hussein / President of Iraq

On February 19, 1982 Saddam Hussein wrote on Desk Memo in Red:

Presidential Court

To be issued a Republican decree with the appointment of

Qasim Ahmed Taqi Al-Uraibi holds the post of Oil Minister

Saddam Hussein's signature


  • Certificate of Authenticity: Yes
  • Certificate #: RA60121 visit
  • Letter of Authentication: Yes
Shipping: worldwide with DHL

وثائق بخط يد الرئيس العراقي الراحل صدام حسين

جميع الوثائق معهم شهادات الاصالية و تم فحصهم في شركة امريكية متخصصة بتواقيع الرؤوساء و الملوك 

ديوان الرئاسة

أصدار مرسوم جمهوري

يتولى قاسم أحمد تقي العريبي منصب وزير النفط

توقيع صدام حسين
