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Autograph Saddam Hussein King Khalid of Saudi to Put Pressure Oman Sultan Qaboos
  • Autograph Saddam Hussein King Khalid of Saudi to Put Pressure Oman Sultan Qaboos
  • Autograph Saddam Hussein King Khalid of Saudi to Put Pressure Oman Sultan Qaboos
  • Autograph Saddam Hussein King Khalid of Saudi to Put Pressure Oman Sultan Qaboos
  • Autograph Saddam Hussein King Khalid of Saudi to Put Pressure Oman Sultan Qaboos

Autograph Saddam Hussein King Khalid of Saudi to Put Pressure Oman Sultan Qaboos

1982 Autograph Handwritten Document by Saddam Hussein
Requesting from King Khalid bin Abdulaziz support and put pressure on Sultanate of Oman 
To terminate relationship with Iran
On January 10, 1982 Saddam Hussein wrote on Desk Memo in Red Ink.

Foreign Minister

An interview with His Majesty King Khalid bin Abdulaziz for the purpose of providing support to Iraq, as well as putting pressure on the Sultanate of Oman for the purpose of severing its diplomatic relationship with Iran and not to enter Iranian suspects with commercial or industrial cover, as this affects the security of Iraq and then the security of the Arab Gulf

Saddam Hussein's signature


Certificate of Authenticity: Yes

Certificate #: SB46806 visit
Letter of Authentication: Yes
Shipping: worldwide with DHL 


وثائق بخط يد الرئيس العراقي الراحل صدام حسين


جميع الوثائق معهم شهادات الاصالية و تم فحصهم في شركة امريكية متخصصة بتواقيع الرؤوساء و الملوك

‎وزير الخارجية

‎مقابلة جلالة الملك خالد بن عبدالعزيز لغرض تقديم الدعم للعراق و كذلك الضغط على السلطنة عمان  لغرض قطع علاقتها الدبلوماسيه مع ايران و عدم لدخول المشبوهين من الايرانين بغطاء تجاري أو صناعي  لما يؤثر ذلك على أمن العراق ثم أمن الخليج العربي

‎توقيع صدام حسين
