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Iraq Memo Handwritten Signed by Saddam Hussein Autograph Presidential Decree
  • Iraq Memo Handwritten Signed by Saddam Hussein Autograph Presidential Decree
  • Iraq Memo Handwritten Signed by Saddam Hussein Autograph Presidential Decree
  • Iraq Memo Handwritten Signed by Saddam Hussein Autograph Presidential Decree

Iraq Memo Handwritten Signed by Saddam Hussein Autograph Presidential Decree


وثائق بخط الرئيس العراقي الراحل صدام حسين 
1983 Iraq Desk Memo Handwritten and Signed by Saddam Hussein Presidential Decree 
On date January 24, 1983 Saddam Hussein wrote on desk memo by Red ink pen:
Issuing a Presidential Decree
Removing Saadoun Hamadi from Foreign Affairs Minister postion and appoint the Camarada Tareq Aziz instead of him.
Issuing Presidential Decree by today
Signed by Saddam Hussein

ديوان الرئاسة


يعفى سعدون حمادي من منصب وزير الخارجية

ويعين بدلآ عنه الرفيق طارق عزيز

ويصدر مرسوم جمهوري هذا اليوم

توقيع صدام حسين


Condition: used and shows sign of used consistent with age but remains in nice condition.

Please examine the actual pictures for your own judgment and to avoid any unnecessary returns.

Pictures are part of the item description 

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